My Story and inspiration for this blog

My inspiration for this site began when I received my annual physical and the data told me I had elevated PSA (Prostate-Specific Antigen). My first thought was “ do I have prostate cancer?” I began to research methods to control or reduce my PSA and I came across Dr. Steven Gundry who left his medical practice and became an author and evangelist for plant-based diets. I purchased his book “Plant Paradox” and began trying out some of his menus. One month later after converting to a plant-based diet, my PSA reduced substantially.
Then on March 12, 2020, while traveling for business to San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly) the Coronavirus situation began to shut down the education institutions, businesses and major events. I jumped in my car and headed north to Danville and I decided we needed to gather food and supplies for the unknown.
With Dr. Gundry’s Plant Paradox book and his cookbook as a resource, I began to gather supplies and started cooking quality meals for my wife Pam and me. I've been my wife's primary caregiver as a result of her diagnosis for Younger Onset Alzheimer's Disease. Our medical team has encouraged a plant-based diet so we began a daily adjustment away from red meat to plants, wild fish, organic chicken, turkey and good fats (avocado, olive oils)
See my wife's blog:
With Instagram as a tool I began posting photos of my results and friends began asking me for recipes. While none of these great concoctions are my own, these are developments from Dr. Gundry, NY Times Food Editors or menus I’ve seen on-line.
Many of my friends asked me “did you make that yourself?” and while the recipe is not mine, the results are my work.
I hope you enjoy trying some of these recipes and perhaps you can share your ideas. I hope you are receiving some of the same results; weigh loss, less inflammation, increased energy and better sleep.
No I’m not going to open a restaurant. I have a day job but I enjoy seeing the results of my work. my professional website is
I look forward to hearing from you.
Pam and Bob, National Alzheimer's Forum in DC


  1. Hey Bob, thanks for the info. I agree that diet is key. Limited sugar, carbs and starchy vegetables, no processed foods, limited red meat, etc. Not sure if I agree with Dr. Grundy. I have seen his informercials and it seems like he is more interested in selling his supplements and books. I get that this is how he makes his living, but.....Anyway, I follow the advice in Life Extension, and I admit that my cupboard is loaded with their products so they are also in the same is a link to their protocol for you.

    I think you are on the right track. My wife thinks I’m a bit loopy when I break-out the cans of sardines for an afternoon snack....or that I take 4 grams of fish oil every day. I converted the back yard into a big organic garden and we eat fresh home-grown veggies every day. We also got some chickens so we have a good source of protein.

    Wish you the best,

    Bob McLaughlin


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